
The Swiss Industry Liaison Office connects Swiss industry with international research organisations where Switzerland is a member state.

By paying regular contributions to international research organisations for membership, the Swiss government obtains access for Swiss scientists to participate in experiments and make use of their infrastructures on favorable terms.

Additionally, Swiss industry and high-tech companies are permitted to respond to tenders issued by the international research organisations. As many of the tenders concern research and development of leading-edge technology, services or civil engineering, Swiss companies and research institutes can benefit greatly and expand their scientific and technological capabilities.

The Swiss Industry Liaison Office is an initiative from the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), from the Swiss association of mechanical and electrical engineering industries SwissMEM and from two leading Swiss scientific laboratories EPFL and PSI.


Last update : 17.05.2024

Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
Confédération suisse
Confederazione Svizzera
Confederazium Svizra
Swiss Confederation


Federal Department of Ecomic Affairs,
Education and Research EAER
State Secretariat for Education,
Research and Innovation SERI
Uni Ge
swissmem logo
The Swiss Industry Liaison Office (ILO) is financed by the State Secretariat for Education Research and Innovation SERI. The Swiss ILO Convention signatory members supporting the ILO activity are EPFL, PSI, University of Geneva and SwissMEM.